by Sharron | Apr 3, 2019 | Editorials
How growing your child’s dream through visualisation… will help you! An increasing amount of young adults are coming back home after their “failure to launch”. How can you help them, help you? Is the answer to help your child to realise their...
by Sharron | Mar 2, 2018 | Private Art Commissions
My Super Duper Fab Art. Personal Kids Art Class with 10 year old Aemon >> The brief: Colleen wanted to encourage her son as well as give him an artwork for his bedroom that he would have for all time. We sat down, ready to be inspired by 10-year-old Aemon. ...
by Sharron | Feb 26, 2018 | Private Art Commissions
Children’s portrait commissions Children’s portrait commissions are so easy to do and so endearing for your home. One of the things we love to do is to add energy to children’s portraits! Your child’s portrait, be it a baby, toddler, child or teenager can match...